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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most frequently asked questions
about the software package and working with data

Functioning of the software package

To install the "IMC" software it is necessary to run the file "IMCSetup.exe", included in the distribution kit, as an administrator. A window with the program logo and a window of the software installation wizard will open. After launching the installation wizard you should perform the following actions:

  1. Read the welcome message of the installation wizard and click "Next".
  2. Read the terms of the license agreement, accept the terms of the license agreement and click "Next".
  3. Specify the destination folder and click "Next".
  4. After the installation process, click the "Finish" button to exit the installation wizard.

The first launch of the program should be performed as an administrator. The program is launched via "Start" or from the desktop via the shortcut of the software "IMC".

At the first launch of the "IMC" software, which should be performed as an administrator, the "Registration" dialog box will open. administrator, the "Registration" dialog box will open, which will contain the identification number and installation key. which will contain the identification number and installation key.

To register the program you need to click on the link "Registration form". The registration page on the novacenter.ru website will open. IMC software registration is performed in the "Register" section. In this section you should enter the available keys: identification number in the first field and installation key in the second field.

n the "Additional information about the user" section you should fill in the fields with the information that will be used in case you need to restore the key. After that you should press the "Register" button. You will automatically receive your registration key, which should be entered in the "Registration key" field of the "Registration" dialog box. After that you should press the "OK" button. Registration will be completed and the software package will start.

To receive the registration key of the "IMC" software, you can send the available keys (identification number and installation key) by e-mail to support@novacenter.ru. In reply you will receive a letter with the registration key, which should be entered in the "Registration key" field of the "Registration" dialog box.

The user receives a notification that the software package is ready for updating on the mail, which was used to register IMC. The letter contains a link to download the software package "IMCSetup.exe". It is necessary to download this installation file, then run it and start the software package after the update is completed.

You can also keep track of updates in the Change Log section.

Sometimes the user may need to return to the original settings, in case the parameters have been changed or the configuration file has been corrupted for some reason and the software package stops starting.

There are two ways to return the IMC to its original state. The first way is to reset the settings from the program interface. To do this, you need to start the software package, then in the program interface select the menu item "Edit", then "Settings" and "Set default settings".

The second way is the manual configuration of the program. To do this, the user should enter the file system on his computer, where the IMC package is installed, and then delete the files in the .CFG format. After deleting the files, it is necessary to restart the software package.

In case of any problems while working with the program you should write to the support service at: support@novacenter.ru or call the Technical Department at: +7 (499) 189-61-66.

IMC PM has a modular structure and provides an opportunity to to expand the program functionality by developing custom libraries. In this case, specialized modules can be developed by employees of the Innovative Center or by specialists of the Customer's organization and included in the program. specialists of the Customer's organization and included in the program complex additionally. complex additionally.

There are several ways to increase the speed of IMC software package.

In the interface of the software package in the panel "Options" - General - Memory - Temporary directory. As a path for temporary files you should specify a folder on your SSD disk, this will reduce the amount of memory occupied during IMC operation.

You can also disable recording of the history of cancelation. To do this, start IMC, go to the panel "Options" - Sections - General - History size. You need to set: "0" and close the program to save the settings.

The following software tools are required for "IMC" software operation: operating system (OS) Microsoft Windows 7 x64 and higher.

The "IMC" software should be launched using standard tools of Microsoft Windows OS. All libraries required for IMC operation are installed automatically when installing the software package.

IMC communicates with other programs at the level of data exchange.

The software package also supports data opening in the program interface from third-party services: WMS and WFS, allowing to load topographic data, information on state borders and administrative division, relief data and other data in vector layers format.

Data handling

The size is determined by the amount of free space and file system limitations.

IMC supports the following data types: raster images, marks, vector images, georeferencing and text information.

Supported data formats:

  • Bitmap Format (*.bmp);
  • Tagged Image File Format (*.tif);
  • JPEG Compressed Format (*.jpeg);
  • Erdas Imagine File Format (*.img);
  • Targa Format (*.tga);
  • AutoCAD 2007 File Format (*.dxf);
  • Keyhole Markup Language (*.kml);
  • MapInfo Interchange Format (*.mif);
  • MapInfo table (*.tab);
  • Shapefile Format (*.shp);
  • Image Media File format (*.imf).

IMC has an internal Image Media File format (*.imf), which allows:

  • store information in the form of a hierarchical structure;
  • save several layers of different types (images, text, marks, etc.) in one file;
  • save more than one image in one file;
  • use alpha channels, save pyramids of images;
  • work with various types of data representation;
  • save information about geographical binding of objects and layers to the terrain;
  • save necessary accompanying information regardless of its type;
  • perform quick access to data regardless of file size.

IMC allows to work with data from many spacecrafts, both foreign and Russian.

The software package works with such Russian data as:

  • Kanopus - V;
  • Meteor - M;
  • Resurs - P;
  • Kondor - FKA.

IMC allows to work with data from many spacecrafts, both foreign and Russian.

The software package works with such foreign data as:

  • Gaofen-2;
  • GeoEye-1;
  • Landsat 7, 8, 9;
  • PlanetScope;
  • Pleiades-1A, 1B:
  • Sentinel-2;
  • Spot 6, 7;
  • DMC3/TripleSat Constellation-1, 2, 3;
  • WorldView - 1, 2, 3
  • COSMO-SkyMed 1–4;
  • TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X;

Processing in IMC

In the IMC software package it is possible to carry out data processing in automatic and manual mode.

Manual mode implies a complete sequence of data processing by means of operator actions. Automated mode represents data processing in streaming mode by performing a certain sequence of pre-recorded sequence of user actions that can be applied to different sets of source data (macros). The macros mechanism is used for automated solution of similar tasks according to specified processing algorithms in IMC.

  • reading, importing, converting and managing different types and formats of spatial data;
  • creating data in the form of a set of electronic vector and raster maps at various scales using scaling tools;
  • digitization of spatial data;
  • cataloging of geospatial data taking into account attributive information on spacecraft metadata;
  • georeferencing of images by reference points using various transformation algorithms;
  • reprojection of images and vectors from one coordinate system to another;
  • measurement of object dimensions in geographic units;
  • viewing and managing attributive databases;
  • changing the structure of databases;
  • input of new attributive data and editing of existing ones, including in automatic mode and by performing special analysis procedures, such as calculation of lengths and areas;
  • search of necessary data by attributes using SQL queries;
  • calculation of new attribute values by different fields of the database;
  • creation and editing of libraries of electronic symbols;
  • management of visualization of separate layers on electronic maps;
  • support of various coordinate systems and projection transformations;
  • performing cartometric operations, including calculation of distances between objects, line lengths, perimeters and areas of polygonal objects;
  • spatial analysis of placement and spatial relations of objects;
  • work with different image scales;
  • fast access and processing of data with the size more than 100 GB;
  • generation of output documents including vector, raster and text data;
  • export/import of vector and raster data of various formats;
  • history of operations, possibility to cancel/repeat actions.

  • image analysis in pseudo-colors;
  • formation and analysis of index images. For formation of index images in IMC the tool "Channel Calculator" is implemented, which allows the user to make any mathematical formulas using image channels;
  • classification with and without training taking into account k-means;
  • spectral analysis
  • texture analysis;
  • work with vector objects within IMC includes: creation and assignment of vector objects display styles, as well as formation of classifiers taking into account object types, display scale and attributive data set. IMC functionality allows to create vector objects of any complexity (markers, lines, polygons, composite objects). Vector layers can be saved in the international formats SHP and TAB, as well as in the internal format IMF, which allows storing raster and vector layers with attributive information in a single document.

The "Refine image georeferencing" module is intended for automatic refinement of georeferencing between two layers of the same document (working and reference layers). All spacecraft images have georeferencing errors. And each image may have deviation of objects from natural position in different directions. Therefore, the position of one and the same object on two different images may differ. Georeferencing allows pulling two images to each other so that the same objects on these images "overlapped" each other, i.e. were located at the same coordinates. The "Geocoding" module with the "Table" and "Parameters" panels is intended for spatial georeferencing of two different documents, one of which either has no georeferencing at all or has incorrect georeferencing.

  • create a vector object;
  • create a mark;
  • form a continuous seamless coverage;
  • select an arbitrary object.

When you open a .tiff document, the image is stretched over the maximum range of pixel values of this image, so not all bits can be informative.

In order to bring the image in a convenient for work form it is worth to use the tool: "Range of pixel values". The tool allows you to correct the histogram by pixel values both for each channel and in all selected channels. To use the tool, select "Correction" - "Pixel value range" in the "Image" menu and specify the minimum and maximum pixel values according to the pixel type used in the image.

Pixel values can be changed by selecting values from the suggested standard values in the "Min:" and "Max:" drop-down lists, or you can set custom values manually. In order to use pixel values present directly in the edited image, select the channel to be corrected and click the "Calculate" button located in the "Pixel values" section. In the "Min:" and "Max:" fields of the same section, the result will be the minimum and maximum values used, respectively, and a histogram will be displayed.