Demonstration of features
These videos will allow you to better understand on real examples which tasks the software package solves.
Demonstration of features
IMC software presentation
15:43Image Media Center software presentation
Webinar 11.02.16 «Remote Sensing Processing Capabilities in IMC»
1:02:24Webinar 16.05.2016 «IMC capabilities for solving urban planning problems»
59:47Examples of thematic processing in IMC. Qatar
10:33- pre-processing using LANDSAT-8 data as an example;
- identification of changes in the LANDSAT imagery system data;
- clarification of changes based on Resurs-P satellite data;
- identification of hazardous phenomena using Resurs-P satellite data (dunes in the power line zone);
- identification of risk zones of transportation infrastructure facilities;
- monitoring of the water area using Sentinel-1 satellite data.